**Please consult your medical provider before participating in any physical activity program to be sure this kind of movement is right for you! Most of these classes and programs require you to be able to move from the floor to a standing position and back to the floor. If you are limited in your mobility, please consider and start with my Chair Movement & Yoga Class.

increase flexibility & stability
improve posture & body awareness
strengthen bones & muscles
help reduce chronic pain
improve sleep
reduce stress & anxiety
lower stress levels
reduce blood pressure
improve energy
boost immunity
and so much more!
Need to know the benefits of a yoga practice? Check out these reasons for how yoga and movement might help you...

...and I'm passionate about helping you live your healthiest, happiest, most fulfilling life! One way to help get you there is through movement, so thank you very much for wanting to do yoga with me! Because of my health challenges, I am uniquely qualified to help you navigate your own issues so you will be able to have a safe and successful Y:O.G.A. practice.
You will see "Y:O.G.A." sprinkled throughout the descriptions of the classes that I offer. Y:O.G.A. = Yahweh: One. God. Always. Without Him I would not be able to do what I am doing and I am forever grateful.
Pam here!
All Services Delivered Online ~ Virtual Studio
All classes are held using Zoom. Instructions and links will be shared with you so you will have a safe and successful practice.
PARTICIPANTS WILL NEED: A device with a microphone and camera such as a laptop computer, tablet, or phone that will enable instruction interaction. Some participants connect their device to a TV set for larger viewing.

Training & Credentials​
32 years as an adapted and physical education teacher
E-RYT 500 (a fancy name for an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with 500 hours of training and over 3000 hours of teaching)
6 + years of yoga teaching experience (well over 3000 hours of teaching)
Lifetime of experience working through my own body challenges like bilateral knee replacements, carpal tunnel, ACL repair, IT Band and Achilles tendon issues
CFC - Certified Flexibility Coach

Private Y:O.G.A. SessionAre you in need of some help so you can be more successful with your yoga practice? During this individualized online service, I will help you problem solve your challenges so you can enjoy your yoga practice. We will work together to figure out a plan that works just for you. All private sessions are by appointment only. Please email me at hello.pamelaherrling@gmail.com so that we can set up a time that works for both of us. Each session is approximately 60-90 minutes with a cost of $100. Suggestions and recommendations will be given which may require props such as chairs, blocks, strap, bolster, etc to help give you the freedom in your body for successful movement. I am looking forward to hearing from you!!